Pirate DinosaursPirate Dinosaurs
July’s author for the Virtual Book Club for Kids was Giles Andreae. We already had a few books by him like Commotion in the Ocean, Rumble in the Jungle, and{...}
July’s author for the Virtual Book Club for Kids was Giles Andreae. We already had a few books by him like Commotion in the Ocean, Rumble in the Jungle, and{...}
It’s been a few months I think since I wrote a Virtual Book Club for Kids post because we hadn’t really done anything for about two months or so. We{...}
November’s author for the Virtual Book Club for Kids was Karma Wilson. The book we read was Bear Says Thanks. I figured being November this book would be perfect. For{...}
I mentioned here about the Virtual Book Club for Kids when I wrote about JT’s activities for October but I never got around to writing Connor’s. I should have written{...}
Around the beginning of the month I ran across the Virtual Book Club for Kids. Each month they feature a different author and you can participate by picking a book{...}