Yesterday the boys and I made Mickey inspired pumpkin place settings for Thanksgiving.
They are quick and easy to make. All you need is some orange and green construction paper, tape, something to write with, and some sort of tube. I had just used up the aluminum foil and thought the thin roll would work well but originally I was going to use half of a paper towel roll.
Cut the orange construction paper into strips. I cut ours the entire length of the paper but you could cut it to whatever size you need. It just depends on the height of your roll and how wide you want your pumpkin. You can also cut however many you want to use.
You will also need to cut two strips of the green construction paper per pumpkin. Originally I cut them to be half the size of the orange strips but once I started to put it on I realized it was too small so I cut new ones the same length as the orange.
To assemble the pumpkins you just need to tape the orange strips around your roll to form a pumpkin shape. Make sure to write the name on one of the strips before you tape it on.
JT only wanted four strips on his and Connor wanted to use eight. Connor also wanted to decorate some of his strips with different Thanksgiving Mickey pictures.
Once you’ve attached all of the orange strips you can add on the green ones for Mickey ears. I attached one part to the inside of the roll and then just formed it into a circle and taped it together.
Once you’ve got the ears on you’re done.
They are quick and simple to make. You can easily customize them and they come out looking really cute.
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