TMNT & Star Wars Get Pop-Cultured Events
Barnes & Noble has been having some Get Pop-Cultured events this month and we went to two in the past week. The first event was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Ninja Training. The description for the event said you could wear your TMNT costume. JT didn’t want to wear anything but Connor wore a TMNT mask that they had and then about 10 minutes before we were going to leave he wanted one of the weapons, the wrist, elbow, and knee pads and the belt. So, I did the best I could in 10 minutes. I told him we were going to skip the knee pads and the only weapons I could make were nunchucks.

When we got to Barnes & Noble I signed the boys in and then waited for the event to start. The first thing they had to do once they started the event was a maze.
Once they completed the maze they turned it in and then they each had to tell a joke before they could move on to the next table which was a word scramble. The word scramble was pretty easy except for one word. Apparently the Ninja Turtles don’t say Cowabunga anymore; instead they say Booyakasha and I did not know that.
Once the word scramble was complete they went over to another table where they picked which turtle they wanted to be their master or trainer or sensei. I’m not really sure which word they used exactly but they colored their chosen turtle and then received a piece of fabric that matched their chosen ninja turtle so that they could make a mask. Both boys picked Leonardo. Once that was complete they went back to the table to color a medallion which they cut out and placed on a string to wear.
After everyone was done they gave out certificates and then drew prizes. JT got TMNT bubbles and Connor got a TMNT kite.
The second event we went to was a Star Wars Jedi Academy event. When the event started they had one table set up with a sheet of trivia questions and another set up with coloring sheets, a maze, a crossword puzzle, a word search, and a connect the dots sheet. The boys did the trivia first. Connor answered the ones he knew and then copied JT’s paper. I answered JT’s. There were 40 questions. The front was pretty easy but the back was more difficult for me. We missed about 7 out of the 40.
Once they were done with the trivia JT moved on to the Lego table and Connor did the Chewbacca craft.
Once Connor was done with the Chewbacca craft he wanted to do the maze, crossword puzzle, and the connect the dots sheet. JT finished up his Lego piece and then did a coloring sheet. The Lego creations were going to be displayed somewhere in the store so the kids put their names with their creations.
After that Connor decided that he wanted to go do the Legos and then JT wanted to do another one.
After that we left and on the way out the boy each got two Star Wars posters and got to pick a Star Wars Jedi Academy button/pin. JT picked C3PO and Connor picked Yoda. I really liked these events and would like to take the boys to more things like this. I’ll be keeping a closer eye now on the Barnes & Noble website for events.