Around the beginning of the month I ran across the Virtual Book Club for Kids. Each month they feature a different author and you can participate by picking a book (or several) by that author and doing an activity inspired by the book. I love the idea of this so we are joining in.
The author for October is Nick Sharratt. This was an author that I wasn’t familiar with but it turns out we have a book that he illustrated, When A Monster is Born. This is a really cute book but I wanted to find a book that he was the author of so we ended up with The Foggy Foggy Forest.
JT loved this book. The pages kind of reminded me of wax paper and on one side there was the shadow of something and on the other was the image in color. The shadow page asked “What can this be in the foggy foggy forest?” so JT would guess what it was and then we would turn the page to see if he was right. After reading this once he was able to “read” it himself.
So, for the activity JT made his own Foggy Foggy Forest scene. I gave him a piece of regular white paper and a piece of parchment paper. First I asked him what he wanted to put in his Foggy Foggy Forest scene and had hiim draw it on the regular paper.
Once he was done with his picture it was time to draw the shadow on the parchment paper. We got black crayons and I helped him trace his drawing to make the shadow. It was a bit difficult to draw on the parchment paper but it came out okay.
Once we were done with the shadow page I wrote “What can this be in the Foggy Foggy Forest?” and he told me what he wanted me to write on the other page.
Once we were done we put it at the end of the book and we read it with his pages added in.
After this we made a matching game for The Foggy Foggy Forest. JT loves matching games and I thought matching pictures to shadows would work perfectly for this book.
JT helped cut out the cards and then he told me what to draw on each card and I drew the color version and the shadow version. He wanted some of the pictures to be from the book and some from his own drawing.
As I was drawing JT decided to grab the camera and take pictures of the cards so here are some of his pictures:
I wrote Foggy Foggy Forest on the back of each one and then we played.
I hope you enjoyed the activites. Connor didn’t want to join in on this but he is doing the Virtual Chapter Book Club for Kids. The concept is the same except instead of a featured author each month has a theme. The theme for October is mystery. The book Connor read is Calendar Mysteries: October Ogre. I will be putting the activities for that one up soon.
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