Star Wars Reads Day
Yesterday was the 2nd annual Star Wars Reads Day and I took the boys to Barnes & Noble for one of the Star Wars Reads Day events.
I was originally planning on going to the one closest to the house but then I decided to look up all the events on the website and I found one Barnes & Noble that was actually going to have Star Wars characters attending so I thought that was the better choice.
Once the event started the characters all came out and stood on the stage for a few minutes while everyone took pictures.
Then the Star Wars characters went to walk around the store while the kids made a lightsaber craft using toilet paper rolls and construction paper.
Once the boys were done with their lightsabers they were ready to take pictures with the characters so we went to find them.

After we took a picture with those three we didn’t see the other two so Connor asked and we were told they were taking a break and they’d be back in a few minutes. Once they did come out JT was playing at the train table and didn’t want to take pictures anymore so only Connor took them.

The store also had a scavenger hunt with Star Wars trivia for both kids and adults. The one thing they didn’t do was read a book which is kind of surprising since it was Star Wars Reads Day but that’s okay. Connor was anxious to get his lightsaber done because he wanted to go take pictures with the characters so I imagine that sitting through a book would have been even more difficult.
This was a fun event and we are looking forward to next year.