Abilene CALF 2017 Day 2Abilene CALF 2017 Day 2
Day 2 of the Abilene CALF was full of readings, crafts, instruments, characters, and more Italian Ice. We started our day at the Instrument Petting Zoo. If you’ve been following{...}
Day 2 of the Abilene CALF was full of readings, crafts, instruments, characters, and more Italian Ice. We started our day at the Instrument Petting Zoo. If you’ve been following{...}
2017’s featured illustrator was Garth Williams. Our first day at the festival was short because we started off in the evening at Wilbur’s Garden Party. The party took place at{...}
We started our day by going to the Mark Teague book signing. This seems to be the first thing we do on most Saturdays of the CALF. The Abilene Fire{...}
CALF 2016 featured Mark Teague as the featured illustrator. We started off our first day at a reading at the Abilene Public Library. The Creeper we found from the previous{...}
Connor brought it to my attention that I stopped writing about our time at the Abilene Children’s Art & Literacy Festival after 2014. I wrote that we had received our{...}
We’re really excited for the fourth annual Abilene Children’s Art and Literacy Festival this week. We’ve gone to all the past events and always enjoy it. This year the author{...}
The second day of the Abilene Children’s Art and Literacy Festival was on Saturday. We had done most everything on Friday so we didn’t have much to do the second{...}
If you’ve been reading my blog you might know about the Abilene Children’s Art and Literacy Festival (CALF). If not, the CALF is a festival featuring a children’s author that{...}
This year is Abilene’s 3rd annual Children’s Art & Literacy Festival (CALF) and we will be attending for the 3rd time. The author this year is William Joyce. We were{...}
Moving along to day 3 of the Abilene CALF 3. We started off the day with JT opening another two of his birthday presents. I’m not sure why he opened{...}